Survive the School Year

a teacher's personal supplies

There is a large makeup bag in my desk. It is my lifeline when I am sick, tired, have my woman times, or when the kids use up my hand sanitizer. It is my Teacher Survival Kit. Mind you, this is not the same as desk essentials. Those will be covered in a different post. This is your sacred vessel that lifts you to the surface when you feel like you have hit rock bottom. — Well… maybe not, but it surely has helped me out a time or two and I hope it helps you too.

The items in this kit are largely to help your body stay healthy and alert, even when you are not operating at 100%. Please feel free to change up anything in this kit that doesn’t seem to apply to you. Guys, I bet you won’t need item #3, but that’s just a wild guess! I added links to Amazon so you can load up on these goodies.

  1. Pain Relievers – Whether your drug of choice is ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or my personal fave, Excedrin, you need to keep a decent supply of pain relievers tucked away in your Teacher’s Survival Kit. I like the little bit of caffeine in Excedrin, but that’s just my humble caffeine addicted opinion. Pro-tip: NEVER, EVER, EVER ADMINISTER MEDICATION TO A STUDENT…EVER! If you do, dishonor upon you, your ancestors, and your family pets, not to mention… it’s illegal! Don’t do it!
  2. Hand Sanitizer – It is inevitable that at some point, you and your students will use the last of the classroom hand sanitizer. Yes, I do recommend providing hand sanitizer to students. This protects you and the other students from the nasty bacteria and viruses that are spread so easily in schools. When you do run out of this classroom hand sanitizer, you will need to protect yourself from the germs… Luckily, you thought ahead and you have a small hand sanitizer in your Teacher’s Survival Kit to get you through the day or until you can get to the store! You’re so clever! 10 points to Ravenclaw!
  3. Feminine Supplies – Yes, I mean tampons. And pads. Luna cups? I dunno, that’s your call. When Aunt Flo comes to visit unannounced as she sometimes does, you need to be prepared! I suggest getting the clicking compact ones so you can discretely take it to the ladies room. Fun times… said no woman EVER. Luckily for you, you also keep pain relievers in your kit. 4 tampons for you, Glen Coco!  You go, Glen Coco… And none for teachers without Teacher Survivial Kits!
  4. Instant Coffee – There will be days when you are run-down. When you look beat– and not in the good way. No, I mean, when you didn’t get enough sleep because you were up late grading your AP European History students’ first attempts at a DBQ essay… That is precisely the type of situation that calls for the instant coffee that you can make for yourself to get through the arduous task of maintaining order in the classroom and looking awesome. Just a few will do. You are a boss and I believe in your mad teaching skills.
  5. Mouthwash and/or travel toothbrush and paste – You wouldn’t want your teacher to help you with your work right after she ate her garlic hummus with carrots, right? So don’t do that to your poor innocent little scholars. Do them a favor, do your partner a favor, do your colleagues a favor, and freshen up your mouth!
  6. Pepto – After that kind of snack, you will definitely need some Pepto for that tummy! Good thing you have a few chewables in your Teacher’s Survival Kit for such an occasion!
  7. Cold and Flu Medication – Unfortunately, teachers tend to get sick a lot. Also, unfortunately, we are also incredibly particular and worry about our classrooms and students, so we usually try not to take off too much work. So… sometimes, you will need to have some Cold and Flu medication. That way, you can survive the workday without having a snot explosion in the middle of 4th period World History… not that I’m speaking from experience or anything… no… definitely not.
  8. Manicure Kit – The thing is, sometimes bad stuff happens to good teachers. You may snag your nail on something in your classroom, for example. In which case, you will be glad that you have a little manicure kit. You can clip and file that nail until it is no longer a nuisance. Yay! You are a problem solver.
  9. Lip Balm –  You will need it. At some point. You will thank me.
  10. Hair ties and a travel hairbrush – I live in L.A., and when those Santa Ana winds pick up, it is no joke! Having a few hair ties and a hairbrush in my classroom is always a smart choice for me. If your hairline resembles Lex Luthor’s, then maybe you can skip this one.

Tell me what is in your “Teacher’s Survival Kit” in the comments!

Class dismissed!

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